Friday, May 4, 2012

Annie's Ark

The circus seems to have settled in, although there have not been any performances yet and I haven't heard any roaring at night.  Despite the meteo, it rained during the night so I decided to finally plant the lavateria.  My arthritis is very bad at the moment, I think it's the continual cold and wet.  Everything takes a lot of effort and pain.  It was exceedly hard work and half way through the morning I thought I had got trench foot as my feet were slopping around in my soaking trainers.  I decided that sweating in my wellies was better than that. 

I saw this, didn't recognise it but thought it was rather nice
Jeremy continued to dig holes and play with his big machines.

Darren popped around to give me the cheque back as when I paid him last week, I had forgotten to sign it.  Felt really stupid.   While he was here as asked him about these pains in my legs.  As an ex-professional cricketer, he knows a lot about injuries.  He said that I really ought to rest it so I gave up the digging - but I had worked for 5 hours and got the plants in.  Yay!  The first positive thing that I've done in the garden - it's all been destruction and demolition up til now.

So after lunch I laid down for a couple of hours then stoked up the fire and tried to do some more clearing in the garden but a storm had blown up.  If anyone ever wants to know how to keep a bonfire going in a storm, it will probably be a chapter in my forthcoming book entitled 'Why I hate France'.

Jeremy tidied up and left, forgetting to replace the soil pipes.  So I still cannot flush the loo.

The rain just didn't soak into the ground - I guess it's too waterlogged. The wind was biting but the sun came out occasionally.  A funny old day.  A sunny evening and I was delighted to see 2 African Hoopoes playing in the garden for ages. 

One of the Hoopoes.
Birds like this garden and particularly at the moment, because a lot of the land has been turned over and there are countless big fat worms around.

Annie's Ark - I expect the circus will provide the animals.
I wonder how Noah managed without the Internet.
The antkiller's worked a treat so that's good.
Oh God, what I would give for a bath................

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