Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Work recommenced and stopped again

A bright morning, no wild animals in the garden and nothing appears to have been nicked.  A JCB appeared out of the morning mist like something out of The War of the Worlds.

I buggered off to the laundrette in the hope that clothes would end up slightly cleaner than they started [a forlorn hope as it turned out].  I also bought some ant killer which they tucked into with gusto.

By the time I returned there was Darren, Jeremy with the JCB and another guy with a digger with a 'pecker', which is supposed to smash the rocks at the bottom of the trench for the micro station.

One man and his pecker!
That broke so he went to get a bigger one.  There has been a lot of discussion about the possible need for dynamite, which is going to cost a helluva lot of money so we are hoping we won't need it.  I think it's that French thing where they want you to be very grateful so they imply it's all going to be worse than it is.  And then they finally do what you originally asked them to do and you're so relieved you think they're brilliant.

Discussing whether or not dynamite is needed.
Sadly, it was time to get rid of the prunus trees, which I love and which were just about to fruit, but which were in the way of the JCB.

Bye bye trees

Jeremy went home later this morning because he was unwell.  I went to buy a number 2 to put on our letter box.   Apparently a world shortage.  I ended up going into Bergerac and arrived just after midday so everything was shut.  I had two hours to kick my heels so I had a disgusting sandwich and cuppa at the garden centre and lusted over plants [prunus trees are 100 euros] until the shop was open and finally returned triumphant to stick my number 2 on our post box.

The pecker guy appears to have come back for a bit but he was definitely gone for good by the time I returned at 2.30.  So, to recap, the day started well but everyone buggered off by lunchtime and left me without a toilet.  A bit of weeding, a bit of gardening, a lot of clearing up. 

We have discovered a big attractive arch which was half-uncovered by the demolition.  A rethink of the plans is required.  That reminds me I asked the architect for an appointment 2 weeks ago and haven't heard back.  Still, we owe him money..........

Finally finished my twelfth doughnut, it was a bit of a challenge but I lived up to it. Now have to get through the night without a toilet - a bigger challenge.

The circus tent is now up, but it is right over the other side of the Poney Club which isn't too bad, but I'm still concerned about it.

I was just pouring a glass of local red when Chris Skyped.  How does he do that every bloody time?  Can he hear the cork from the other side of the planet.  But I did get an hour in the garden [ie building site] watching the sun go down through the bottom of a glass.


  1. I laughed so hard when I read that caption "One man and his pecker." so funny... sad about your tree but I guess it is a must... would have been better if they waited for it to give you some fruit... that would have been awesome... did get how you didn't have a toilet for the night... thought that trailers usually have one inside.

    1. They took away the pipes leading to the septic tank. so I can't flush it. It gets worse, today they cut the telephone lines.
