Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Cleaning Day

Another bright day. 

Ready to go cruising!
Chris took the hire car back and I cleaned the gite then sorted out some stuff in the caravan, did the washing and the washing up. So exciting!  

A bird had pooped on my car!

Then we headed to the local town for the Saturday morning market and a long leisurely boozy lunch to show our appreciation to Judith and Kevin for all the times they have bailed us out this week.  Well, not a boozy lunch for me as I was the 'designated driver'.  Make the most of it Chris, it won't last.

We managed to get the TV in the gite to work and watched British TV; it seemed really odd after DSTv [South Africa], especially the adverts.  Then I realised that everything was current, political jokes, cultural references.  I'm in my own time zone.  Spooky


  1. That is a smart looking car there... love your boots.

    1. Thanks Lana, I am still in the first flush of love with it but that'll probably wear off pretty quickly. Hope you're all well and happy. I don't suppose there's any chance of you coming to France this year????

  2. Ha... I just wrote you a note on another post that we should come for a visit if you'll have us... hehehe... believe it or not we would be passing through Paris on our way to Canada but will only spend 4 hours at the airport... would have loved to if we were not hit with a 10500 dollars Thai tax... yeah we were hit badly because we changed schools but also because our previous school did not take the right amount of tax off... and our new school did not adjust its tax bracket and deducted much less tax than they should have based on the previous school (all messed us)and so we have to pay around that... maybe even closer to 11 maybe next summer? I am enjoying reading your posts by the way.
